2012年8月27日 星期一


《月光小夜曲》 - 中文歌曲
演唱: 蔡琴  王菲

月亮在我窗前蕩漾  透進了愛的光芒
我低頭靜靜地想一想  猜不透你心腸
好像今晚月亮一樣  忽明忽暗又忽亮啊...... 到底是愛  還是心慌 ....月光
月夜情境像夢一樣  那甜蜜怎能相忘
細語又在耳邊蕩漾  怎不叫我回想
我怕見那月亮光  抬頭把窗簾拉上
我心兒醉  心兒慌  ....月光
 《月光小夜曲》 - 英文歌曲
格蘭·密勒 (19041944)是美國著名的長號手、樂隊隊長兼作曲家。 1938年組建的格蘭·密勒樂隊很快成為當時最受歡迎的搖滾樂隊,錄製的唱片《月光小夜曲》、《小瓦罐》和《興致高》曾風靡一時。 二戰期間,被盟國用來作為對德軍進行攻心戰的秘密武器,經常在對敵宣傳電台中播放,宣傳盟國必勝。 密勒後因飛機失事去世。
Moonlight Serenade
I stand at your gate and the song that I sing is of moonlight,
I stand and I wait
For the touch of your hand in the June night,
The roses are sighing a moonlight serenade,
The stars a​​re a glow and tonight
How their light sets me dreaming,
My love,do you know
That your eyes are like stars brightly beaming?
I bring you and sing you a moonlight serenade.
Let us straytil l break of day in love's valley of dreams,
Just you and I,
A summer sky,
A heavenly breeze kissing the trees.
So don't let me wait,
Come to me tenderly in the June night,
I stand at your gate,
And I sing you a song in the moonlight,
A love song,
My darling,
A moonlight serenade.
 《月光小夜曲》 - 相關資料

雲飄飄 於 2012-08-27 02:03:25 回應

