Thanks for the offer but I live in the US, I
think you need someone who lives in Taiwan. However, I will help you or the new
alumna/alumnus president 校友會 會長 as much as I can when I go back to Kaohsiung
which is about 2 months out of every 14 months.
聖米歇爾山(法語:Mont-Saint-Michel ,天主教中文稱「聖彌額爾山」)是法國諾曼第附近,距海 岸約1公里的岩石小島,為法國旅遊勝地,也是天主教徒的 朝聖地,山頂建有著名的聖彌額爾山隱修院。聖米歇爾山及 其海灣於1979年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。
were you there? Tom & I was there twice when we lived in Germany, it is
beautiful both day-time & night-time.
We were
in 法國諾曼第 ( Normandy) area for a wk, stayed in an old
historical hotel in 聖米歇爾山 (Mont-Saint-Michel), it is a very unique
place, the ocean water rised up around 9, 10 pm, the whole 聖米歇爾山
turned into an island...